
Tensor(API) is the N-D array implementation in Serrano, just like NDArray in NumPy.

Create a Tensor object

In the API of Tensor, there lists several initializations.

  • Below code creates a tensor with shape [255, 255, 3] and set all elements' values to 0.3:
    // dimension info of tensor
    let shape = TensorShape(dataType: .float, 
                            shape: [255, 255, 3]
    let tensor = Tensor(repeatingValue: 0.3, tensorShape: shape)
  • Creating a tensor object from a Swift array:
    let data = [
                [1.0, 0.5, 1.3],
                [2.0, 4.2, 6.7],
    let shape = TensorShape(dataType: .float, 
                            shape [2, 3]
    let tensor = Tensor(dataArray: data, tensorShape: shape)

Loading Util APIs

Serrano plans to support more convenient data loading APIs and welcome contribution.

Shape of a Tensor

A tensor object has an attribute shape indicating this tensor object's dimension information. Struct TensorShape (API) is defined in Serrano to represent shape information.

Creating TensorShape

TensorShape is defined as a struct. It can be created directly like:

let shapeA = TensorShape(dataType: .float, shape [255, 255, 3])

let shapeB = TensorShape(dataType: .int, shape [10, 3])

TensorShape has two attributes:


Enum TensorDataType has int, float and double cases. However, inside tensor objects all values are stored as Float values. The dataType of a TensorShape just help user understand what initial data type the shape represents for.


In Serrano, we follow row-marjor order to store and access elements in a Tensor object and each row is represented as an array.

For example, a Tensor object with shape [2, 3], it can be visulized as a nested array like below:

// shape [2, 3]
  [1.0, 0.5, 1.3],
  [2.0, 4.2, 6.7],
And a typical example, a 3-channel RGB image data could be represented with shape [3, image_hight, image_width] (channel first):
        // R channel frame
            [232, ..., 123], // (# of Int elements) = image_width
            [113, ..., 225]
        ], // (# of Array elements) = image_hight

        // G channel frame
            [232, ..., 123],
            [113, ..., 225]

        // B channel frame
            [232, ..., 123],
            [113, ..., 225]

Rank 0 as scalar

If a tensor shape object with 0 rank, i.e.: shape.ShapeArray.count == 0, it means the shape represent a scalar variable.

Equatable of TensorShapes:

  • Two TensorShape objects are equal (==) if their shapeArray attributes are equal.
  • Two TensorShape objects are dot equal (.==) if they have the same shapeArray and same dataType. Example:
    let shapeA = TensorShape(dataType: .float, shape [255, 255, 3])
    let shapeB = TensorShape(dataType: .int, shape [255, 255, 3])
    let shapeC = TensorShape(dataType: .float, shape [255, 255, 3])
    shapeA == shapeB // true
    shapeA .== shapeB // false
    shapeA .== shapeC // true

Memory layout

When user create a Tensor object, Serrano will manually allocate a continuous memory space for this Tensor object to store its values. So basically, inside a Tensor object it stores the N-D array as a flattened vector.

Page-aligned allocation

Serrano uses posix_memalign(man) to allocate the continuous memory. We allocated page-alinged memory so that later when using Metal GPU, we do not need to copy values to construct a MTLBuffer. Details check here.

Under Improvement

This memory allocation strategy is under improvement. May change in future.

Access memory

floatValueReader(API) allow users to access allocated memory. It is a UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Float> pointer. User can access and modify a single element like:

let t = Tensor(repeatingValue: 0.2, 
               tensorShape: TensorShape(dataType: .float, shape [3, 2])

let reader = t.floatValueReader
print(reader[0]) // '0.2'

reader[0] = 1.0
print(reader[0]) // '1.0' 

Tensor Slice

Sometimes, user may want to access part of a tensor object. Tensor class has slice(sliceIndex:[Int]) (API) function which could slice part of a tensor into a new tensor object.

For example we have a tensor with shape [3, 2, 2] and we think the first dimension as channel, next two dimensions are height and width.

let dataArray = [
    // 1st channel
        [0.5, 2.6],
        [1.1, 9.3],

    // 2nd channel
        [2.7, 4.1],
        [6.3, 1.7],

    // 3rd channel
        [5.6, 3.2],
        [1.9, 9.1],
let rootTensor = Tensor(dataArray: dataArray, 
                        tensorShape: TensorShape(dataType: .float, shape: [3, 2, 2])

If you want to get the 1st channel's information:

let sliceOne = rootTensor.slice([0])
// [2, 2]
/** Print out:
        [0.5, 2.3],
        [1.1, 9.3],

If you want to get the 1st row in 2nd channel:

let sliceTwo = rootTensor.slice([1, 1])
// [2]
/** Print out:
[2.7, 4.1] 

Sliced tensor can also be used to slice again:

let sliceThree = sliceOne.slice([0])
// [2]
/** Print out:
[0.5, 2.3]

Sliced Tensor Holds a Strong Reference to root Tensor

A sliced Tensor share memory of its tensor object. And it holds a strong reference to root tensor. Keep an eye on this.

Under Improvement

Slice related APIs are under improvement. More useful functions are adding up.